Another Period

6.6 / 10
21 min
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Season 2, Episode 3

The Prince and the Pauper

A prince arrives at Bellacourt Manor at the invitation of the Commodore, prompting a spirited romantic rivalry between Lillian and Beatrice, but Peepers clashes with the royal servant over how to be a butler. Meanwhile, Hamish gets reading lessons in prison from his cellmate.
Quest roles:
Lauren Flans(Hortense Bellacourt), Aasif Mandvi(Parshwall), Rizwan Manji(Prince Apato), Ron Funches(Hamish's Cellmate), James Herda(Hollingsworth Vanderbilt), Nick Kocher(Vanderbilt #2)
Release date:
29 June 2016, 22:30
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Another Period