Apocalypse, Les débarquements

52 min
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1seasons/2episodes/2024 - present
NetworkFrance 2
Date unknown.Next episode
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Runtime:52 min2024 - present
Network:France 2
Apocalypse, Les débarquements is a French documentary which aired on France 2. The series premiered on June 6, 2024.

June 6th, 1944. A titanic fleet take on the beaches of Normandy. Their goal: liberating Europe from Hitler's yoke. Thanks to the lessons learned from the Dieppe raid of August 42, and supported by the Provence landing in August 1944, the mission is a spectacular success: the Second World War Allies succeeded in moving beyond their political differences, overcoming logistical difficulties and carrying out an operation with unprecedented military stakes. How, before and after D-Day, did the authorities, soldiers and civilians experienced this turning point in history?


Season 1
0 / 2
Season 1

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Apocalypse, Les débarquements