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8.1/ 10
25 min
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5 May 2014, 16:07
I recommended this series to It's a really cool Anime. This anime is set in 1930. The steam train has just been invented and the story is about the Flying Pussyfoot (Don't ask me why this train is called that). There is a lot going on on this trien, so as a viewer you have to constantly keep your attention. There is a lot of killing in this anime and you don't really have a good or bad side. It's a whole bunch of thieves, mobsters and hitmen and they're all fighting for their own skin. As a result, the parties often become entwined and it comes to a climax. In summary, it's hard to explain what this anime is about without giving too much away. The anime is only 16 episodes and definitely worth watching. As a viewer you have to remember that you are watching someone's story, it has no clear beginning and end.
0Translated from Dutch.