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fanart Baskets


6.7/ 10
25 min
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6.7 / 10


25 min
2016 - 2019
Baskets is an American comedy which is aired on FX. The series premiered on 21 Januari 2016.

In Bakersfield, California, Chip Baskets sets out on following his dream of becoming a professional clown. After failing to get a degree at a prestigious clowning school in Paris, he is stuck with a job at a local rodeo.


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11 February 2016
One day as a young boy you jump out of bed enthusiastically and yell, "I know, I want to be a clown, Daddy"! As a father you probably think that your boy will be fine. I have nothing against clowns, but I don't really understand why Chip Baskets (Zach Galifianakis, The Hangover) sticks to this dream. In Baskets, by Zach Galifianakis, Louis CK and Jonathan Krisel, this ambition gets him nowhere. Worse still, it only makes him more unkind to his environment. Baskets is a series where a grown man finally has to come to terms with his shortcomings. Chip went to Paris, but failed to graduate from a prestigious clown school. Disappointed, he returns home to Bakersfield, California. In France he met Penelope (Sabina Sciubba). Anyway, Penelope is clearly one of the main reasons Chip's life isn't right. The woman is only married to him for a Green Card. Chip quickly realizes he has to find a 'real' job. He eventually finds a job and now works at a local rodeo. It's not what Chip envisioned, but you can't always do something you like. Baskets is such a typical arthouse, indie-like series like Louie. That is also where you can best compare the series with. It is no coincidence that Louis CK is one of the creators of this series. CK also co-wrote this episode. The beginnings of Baskets can be called very solid. Nothing really stands out yet (okay, Chip's mom is played by a guy; Louie Anderson), but it's an interesting and promising series. The series is especially curious about the relationship between Chip, Martha and his mother. Renoir isn't laugh out loud funny, for sure. Rather, it is an episode that will put a smile on your face. About Chip trying to avoid bulls as a clown. Because of Martha, an insurance agent who doesn't behave very professionally. About Chip's brother Dale (also played by Galifianakis) who is clearly more successful and not afraid to show it. And about Chip's mother, who has little good things to say about him. The situations presented by the first episode definitely make me wonder how Chip made it all go this far. I am therefore curious about how the series will deal with Chip. Chip is not exactly likable and the series should certainly make it clear why Chip wants to be a clown so badly. That is his greatest wish, but why? Why does he accept that this dream stands in the way of his further life? This while this dream has clearly not benefited him (yet). Why does he allow Penelope to abuse him like that? So it's mainly about expanding Chip's motivations. In addition, Chip is unpleasant with the people around him. I understand why, but this has to be put into perspective. It makes sense that the character is disappointed, but you can't take this endlessly out on others. At some point, Chip will have to take responsibility himself. Otherwise, the character becomes nothing more than an asshole. As a viewer you cannot look at an asshole if there is nothing against it. So on to the next episode of Baskets!
22 March 2016
Dear Zach,

I’m writing you this letter ’cause we haven’t spoken in a while and I really need to get something off my chest.

You know I’ve been your friend for quite some time now and I’ve always been supportive in everything you do. Remember everybody called you crazy for you wanting your own talkshow? A show where you could interview the world’s greatest in a, as you put it, “warm and safe environment”. People like Bruce Willis, Justin Bieber, President Obama. Remember how they mocked you? How they said people like them, would never take the time to talk to a guy like you? Remember? I supported you, Zach. I saw your potential and knew you could do anything you put your mind to. I even drove you to your moms house to get those two bloody ferns.

Or how about that time you wanted to see if it would be possible to cover your entire face with your eyebrows? Your agent said it’d be the end of your career and dropped you as a client, but I stuck with you, Zach. I admired your sense of self. The need to stay true to yourself. And what happend? As your brows grew bushier and kids on the street started coming up to you ’cause they thought you were Chewbacca, the scripts came rolling in. You became a hit, Zach. A one of a kind hit. And who was there every step of the way? Exactly. Me.

I even stuck by you, when you went to Vegas with Phil, Stu and Doug and didn’t even have the courtesy of asking me along for the ride. Sure, I was mad for a little while, but you know me, I can never hold a grudge that long. In the end I was just happy to see you had such a wonderful time. I think I watched your holiday flick over a dozen times now and it still cracks me up.

But I have to draw the line somewhere, Zach. I think I’ve been very lenient up till now, but even I have to set boundaries. Baskets? Really? What’s up with that?! I must say, when you told me FX was willing to give you a chance to tell your life story, I was pretty enthusiastic. It’s not everyday you get to see a story about a guy pursuing his dream of becoming a clown. A kind of obnoxious guy who has to fight an uphill battle, because noone seems to believe in him. And rightfully so. And when you told me you wanted it to be something people could laugh about too, I was even more intrigued. With shows like Man Seeking Woman, You’re The Worst and even Fargo in it’s own way, FX has a great track record when it comes to chuckles and giggling and with master joker Louis C.K. on the ticket as well… What could possibly go wrong? Well, basically everything, Zach. What a trainwreck. The amount of fun you guys probably had making this, can’t even hold a candle to the amount of aggravation and down right disappointment I had to go through watching this poor excuse for a comedy. Yes, disappoinment, Zach. Full blown “Did-I-Just-Watch-My-Child-Burn-A-Dollar-Bill-In-Front-Of-A-Homeless-Person-On-Some-Square-In-Madrid” disappointment. This isn’t funny. This isn’t something I want to tell my friends about. Something they should binge as soon as they find the time. This is nothing like that. It’s just you trying to be artistically absurd of however you want to call it. It’s ridiculous. But not half as ridiculous as the fact that FX already agreed on makin a second season?! It’s just to much.

I think it’s best if we give each other some space right now. Some time to reflect. I know friendships have their ups and downs, but I really need to see if I can give this atrocity a place. In a closet. With locks. In my basement. With the lights out. Hope you’ll understand.

All the best.

Your friend.

7 March 2018
A comedy series with Zach Galifianakis sounded very promising to me, but how can he lower himself to the level of this series? Louie Anderson plays a leading role as a transvestite (mother of Chip) and is really insufferable :(
18 March 2017
The first season was quite difficult and was very disappointing, but I am happy that I persisted and gave the second season a chance. This is mainly due to Louie Anderson who plays the role of mother Christine Baskets. In my opinion he does this really well and that role suits him very well.

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