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Dutch series Bodem is getting a second season

BNNVARA is giving the comedy series Bodem, starring Eva Crutzen, a second season.

In recent weeks you could have been watching the new Dutch series Bodem every Monday evening. All six episodes have now been broadcast, but perhaps you, like many other viewers, are longing for more. Fortunately, there is good news: a second season is coming.


Bodem focuses on the life of 37-year-old Cat. Due to an unpleasant event in her past, she finds it difficult to stay on the right path. The first season consisted of six episodes, all of which have now been broadcast. But it doesn't stop there!

In conversation with BNNVARA, lead actress and director Eva Crutzen indicated that the second season is already in the making. This is what she says about the new episodes: "A small spoiler: there is a little more growth in season two. Or at least, I'm trying to get a little more growth into it. But it shouldn't be too much, because that's what I think unbelievable."

At the moment we know that there will be a Bodem season two, but it is unknown when we can watch it. In the interview, Crutzen indicates that she will first go to the theater, so there is a good chance that we will have to wait at least two years...

Many viewers will be happy with this news, because Bodem was highly recommended according to many. There have been many positive reactions on social media in recent weeks.

In Bodem we follow the destructive life of 37-year-old Cat. People around her are worried. Not Cat. Due to a major loss within the family, which is largely not talked about, there is hardly any family left. Her mother is having a panic attack. As a self-appointed coach, her father devoted himself to writing self-help books.

Meanwhile, just about everyone around Cat is reproducing, getting promoted and settling down. While she feels like they are all trying hysterically to be seen, she does everything she can to disappear as much as possible. Disappearing into the night, under water, in her head.

The first season of Bodem can be seen on NPO Start and NPO Plus.

You can watch the trailer for Bodem below.
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