De Poli

7.2 / 10
30 min
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7.2 / 10
1seasons/10episodes/2023 - present
Date unknown.Next episode
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Runtime:30 min2023 - present
De Poli is a Dutch comedy series which aired on AVROTROS. The series premiered on October 22, 2023.

"There is no essential difference between the body of a man and a woman," says Harold Bens, head of the Gynecology and Obstetrics department. According to his daughter Esther Bens, a gynecologist at the same hospital and trained by her father himself, this view is rather outdated.

Esther thinks her father's way of thinking and working methods is outdated and wants a new, modern approach. While the staff is working hard, Esther tries to set up her own Sexology department. She advocates a new vision of women's medicine. It causes quite a struggle, because Harold thinks his daughter's vision is 'nonsense' and in his view only causes delays without generating any money.


Season 1
0 / 10
Season 1

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