Dead Mountain: The Dyatlov Pass Incident

7,0 / 10
55 min
Drama, History
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7,0 / 10
1seasons/8episodes/2020 - 2020 
The series has ended
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Runtime:55 min20202020 (Ended)
Dead Mountain: The Dyatlov Pass Incident is a Russian drama series which aired on TNT-Premier. The series premiered on November 16, 2020.

Russia, 1959. A KGB major investigates the mysterious deaths of a group of nine student hikers in the Ural Mountains. Troubled by his past as a WWII veteran, he has a sixth sense and death seems to follow him around as he digs deeper into the mysterious incident. The more he learns, the more it becomes clear: the reason the students died will never see the light of day.


Season 1
0 / 8
Season 1

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Dead Mountain: The Dyatlov Pass Incident