Doctor Who (1963)

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25 min
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Season 0, Episode 309

Mission to the Unknown

54 years after its original BBC television broadcast, BBC Studios will premiere a new production of Mission to the Unknown, a missing Doctor Who episode that has been faithfully recreated by a team of students, graduates and staff of the University of Central Lancashire in the UK.
Quest roles:
Nicholas Briggs(Daleks (voice)), Paul Stenton(Malpha), James Burgess(Dalek Operator), Adam Ianbarry(Gearon), Jacob Marrisson(Jeff Garvey), Marco Simioni(Marc Cory), Dan Gilligan(Gordon Lowery), Mike Burgess(Dalek Operator), Sean Wilson(Dalek Operator), Timothy McDonagh(Dalek Operator)
Release date:
9 October 2019, 17:15
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Doctor Who (1963)