Doctor Who (1963)

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25 min
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Season 0, Episode 59

Mawdryn Undead Deleted Scenes

The Making of Day of The Daleks - Special Edition - Producer Steve Broster guides us through the creation of his Special Edition of this story. With voice artiste Nicholas Briggs, audio engineer Mark Ayres, cameraman John Kelly, Dalek builder Toby Chamberlain, UNIT soldier Kevan Looseley and Ogron Nick Nicholson. Now And Then - A visit to the locations used in Day Of The Daleks to see how they have changed over the years. Narrated by Toby Hadoke. The UNIT Family - Part 2 - The second instalment of the series looking at the Doctor's years on Earth as scientific advisor to the United Nations Intelligence Taskforce and the strong family bonds created during that time. With Katy Manning, Barry Letts, Terrance Dicks, actors Nicholas Courtenay, John Levene, Richard Franklin and Fernanda Marlowe, stuntman Derek Ware.
Quest roles:
No known guest appearances
Release date:
date unknown
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Doctor Who (1963)