Doctor Who (1963)

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25 min
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Season 12, Episode 12

Genesis of the Daleks (2)

The Doctor and Harry are taken to the Kaled bunker where Davros is preparing to demonstrate the Daleks, while Sarah Jane is captured by the Thals and taken to their city as a slave worker.
Quest roles:
John Scott Martin(Dalek Operator), Dennis Chinnery(Sylvest), Terry Walsh(Doran (uncredited)), Pat Gorman(Pilot), Michael Wisher(Magrik), Stephen Yardley(Arak), James Garbutt(Ronson), Jeremy Chandler(Gerrill), Peter Miles(Nyder), Richard Reeves(Kaled Leader), Drew Wood(Tane)
Release date:
15 March 1975, 00:00
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Doctor Who (1963)