Doctor Who (1963)

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25 min
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Season 12, Episode 16

Genesis of the Daleks (6)

Gharman tries to convince the Kaleds to vote against the Dalek project but Davros has a trick up his sleeve, while the Doctor works to destroy the tape recording of Dalek victory and the Thals plan an intervention of their own.
Quest roles:
John Scott Martin(Dalek Operator), Dennis Chinnery(Sylvest), Roy Skelton(Daleks (voice)), Michael Wisher(Magrik), Stephen Yardley(Arak), Harriet Philpin(Bettan), Andrew Johns(Kravos), John Gleeson(Thal Soldier), Cy Town(Haemovore (uncredited)), Peter Miles(Nyder), Keith Ashley(Dalek Operator)
Release date:
12 April 1975, 00:00
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Doctor Who (1963)