Doctor Who (1963)

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25 min
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Season 22, Episode 10

Timelash (1)

The planet Karfel, in the distant future. The tyrannical Borad rules with an iron fist, and any who oppose him are cast into the Timelash - a space-time tunnel leading to the past of an alien world called Earth...
Quest roles:
Paul Darrow(Tekker), Denis Carey(Old Man), Dicken Ashworth(Sezon), Steven Mackintosh(Gazak), Tracy-Louise Ward(Katz), Christine Kavanagh(Aram), David Ashton(Kendron), Eric Deacon(Mykros), Jeananne Crowley(Vena)
Release date:
9 March 1985, 00:00
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Doctor Who (1963)