Doctor Who (1963)

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25 min
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Season 25, Episode 2

Remembrance of the Daleks (2)

With two factions of Daleks involved in a race war on Earth, the Doctor takes care of old business by having the Hand of Omega ceremoniously but quietly buried in a churchyard. His actions do not go unobserved, and leaving behind a bored Ace without a purposeful outlet could spell trouble as well.
Quest roles:
John Scott Martin(Dalek Operator), Roy Skelton(Daleks (voice)), Michael Sheard(Laurence Scarman), Pamela Salem(Rachel), Dursley McLinden(Mike), Simon Williams(Gilmore), George Sewell(Ratcliffe), Joseph Marcell(John), Royce Mills(Daleks (voice)), Cy Town(Haemovore (uncredited))
Release date:
12 October 1988, 00:00
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Doctor Who (1963)