Doctor Who (1963)

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25 min
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Season 25, Episode 3

Remembrance of the Daleks (3)

The Doctor plans to let one of the Dalek factions have the Hand of Omega (but not too easily, of course) while keeping Gilmore and his military men preoccupied in a safe territory, but that plan could be threatened by a mole in their midst and a miscalculation on the Doctor's part.
Quest roles:
Terry Molloy(Emperor Dalek), John Scott Martin(Dalek Operator), Roy Skelton(Daleks (voice)), Pamela Salem(Rachel), Harry Fowler(Harry), Dursley McLinden(Mike), Simon Williams(Gilmore), George Sewell(Ratcliffe), Royce Mills(Daleks (voice)), Cy Town(Haemovore (uncredited))
Release date:
19 October 1988, 00:00
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Doctor Who (1963)