Doctor Who (1963)

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25 min
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Season 3, Episode 5

Mission to the Unknown

Whilst The Doctor, Steven and Vicki are traveling to their next destination. On the planet Kembel, Marc Cory, a Space Security Service agent discovers The Daleks are attending a secret meeting with their allies. Where Cory discovers the Dalek's evil plan, which sets the stage for the epic 12-part adventure "The Dalek Master Plan".
Quest roles:
John Scott Martin(Dalek Operator), Jeremy Young(Gordon Lowery), Peter Hawkins(Dalek (voice)), Barry Jackson(Gordon Lowery), David Graham(Kerensky), Robert Jewell(Dalek Operator), Kevin Manser(Dalek Operator), Edward de Souza(Marc Cory)
Release date:
9 October 1965, 00:00
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Doctor Who (1963)