The American drama series The Hot Zone has been renewed by National Geographic. The story will revolve around the anthrax attacks in 2001.

Back when The Hot Zone premiered back in 2019, the series was initially marketed as a miniseries that would have six episodes. Nonetheless, National Geographic has decided to create a second season for The Hot Zone. The six-part second season will revolve around the anthrax attacks in 2001, which resulted in unsuspecting victims in Florida, Washington, D.C. and New York receiving letters containing anthrax. It is not yet known if the cast from the first season is set to return. Kelly Souders (Genius) and Brian Peterson (Genius) will once again serve as showrunners and executive producers.

The first season is based on the bestseller Ebola, the killer virus (The Hot Zone: A Terrifying True Story) by Richard Preston. The story revolves around scientist Dr Nancy Jaax, who works alongside a secret specialised military crew in order to prevent an Ebola outbreak, endangering her own life.

Kelly Souders and Brian Peterson