The last episode of the first season of the drama series Zussen was recently broadcast on NPO 1, and viewers were immediately curious whether a second season was coming.

Omroep MAX comes with the redeeming answer: yes! The drama series Zussen is getting a second season. They are currently writing the script.

When can we expect season two of Zussen on TV? That will take a while: the series will air in the spring of 2026. The broadcaster previously announced the following: "We have now received a development budget for Zussen from the NPO. That does not yet mean that we know whether there will actually be a second season. We will hear more from the NPO soon when all the figures are known." Zussen has been a ratings hit for Omroep Max in recent weeks. With almost 1.7 million viewers, it surpassed the successful series Oogappels, which was previously shown in the same time slot. The series was already viewed more than 1 million times on NPO Start in the first week. According to the broadcaster, almost 1.3 million people were watching NPO 1 at the time of broadcast.

Zussen is about three women who turn out to be half-sisters when their father (Huub Stapel) unexpectedly dies. Together, Rolinde (Joy Delima), Faya (Melody Klaver) and Nienke (Fockeline Ouwerkerk) inherit his farm. Not only do they have to get to know each other, they also encounter confronting family secrets in the village.

“The wish of the actors is to shoot a second season, so I'm waiting patiently and hoping that it will work out! As an actor, you are one of the last to hear these kinds of things," lead actress Joy Delima said earlier.