This column supports the Series of the Year election 2018 and discusses the category Best Flemish/Dutch series. Between Monday January 7th and Monday February 4th you can vote for your favourite series in this genre and others.

And the winner is... if there is a category this year in which it was a foregone conclusion which series will win, it is this one. Not because one series on the list is much better than the others, but because one series was so relatable it touched the whole country and the way the writers exaggerated everything. I'm curious to see if the Flemish version of De Luizenmoeder which will be broadcast this year will cause the same amount of furore.

Still, I secretly hope that I am wrong about the first prize, because The Netherlands and Flanders provided us with several other interesting series in the last twelve months. Unfortunately, some of them won't be available to the general public until next year, for example series like De Dag and the second season of Gent-West. The same applies to the Dutch series Mocro Maffia. If that series will be allowed to be broadcast on a regular Dutch channel, remains to be seen.

Series that may be serious competition for De Luizenmoeder are mainly from the public channels. The NPO, the Dutch public broadcasting organization, gave us the thrilling series Ik Weet Wie Je Bent, the second season of KLEM and the third season of Flikken Rotterdam. The latter two have definitely improved with their latest seasons and deserve to be nominated. The final season of Professor T. from Eén, the Belgian public broadcasting organization, has been nominated and also Gevoel voor Tumor that has already won several awards and can currently be seen on NPO. The
final nominee is the crime series 13 Geboden from VTM that just barely made this list just to have an equal number of Dutch and Flemish productions.

Not happy with this list of nominees? No problem, you can always use your wild card to enter your favourite Flemish or Dutch series for this competition.

De Dag

A bank robbery and the taking of hostages seen from different perspectives. In the first episode you see what happens outside the bank and in the second you see what happens inside the bank at the same moment. The series continues this approach in the following episodes. Exciting until the last second with an outcome you definitely won't see coming.

13 Geboden

A thrilling series in which a religious fanatic uses the ten commandments to expose several wrongs in this world. All victims survive the attack but are scarred for life. A burnt-out police inspector and a traumatized rookie start looking for the perpetrator who is constantly a step ahead of them.


The second season of Gent-West, a drama series about a female prison, which is based on the Australian series Wentworth. After the events at the end of the first season, Gent-West gets a new warden. She has her own way of restoring order, provided the prisoners and staff are willing to cooperate.

Ik Weet Wie Je Bent

A thrilling series in which a lawyer claims to suffer from amnesia after a girl has disappeared. Slowly but surely you find out more about what exactly happened. Even though you know what happened as you get to the end of the series, it still remains engrossing till the very last second.

De Luizenmoeder

Life as we know it, but magnified to the extreme, as is fitting in a comedy. The petty disagreements of parents at the school gates, the competition among teachers, a principal who has to properly deal with everything and the children who have everyday problems. Add some eccentric people to the mix and you will often laugh out loud.

Gevoel voor tumor

A dramedy which revolves around a medical student who is confronted with cancer. We are witness to the ordeal this young man goes through, fighting against this awful disease. Recently this series won first prize at a European series festival in the category best European drama.

Flikken Rotterdam

In the third season the cops of Rotterdam have reached their full growth and can measure up to their fellow cops in Gent and Maastricht. Especially last season's script provided quite some suspenseful moments and the actors became more immersed in their roles. From all the seasons of Flikken I have seen so far in all three shows, this third season is easily one of the best.


In the second season of KLEM, jailbird Marius and tax officer Hugo decide to put some distance between themselves, but that doesn't last long. Several shady characters start looking for the missing criminal who Hugo and Marius had sent to kingdom come in the first season. The clumsy Marius goes from bad to worse and is knocking on Hugo's door once again to help him save the day.

Professor T.

The final season of Professor T. starts in prison where the professor is awaiting his trial, after he shot a corrupt police officer at the end of season two. Even in prison, the eccentric continues to help the police solve crimes. Besides that, he also starts delving into his past to discover the cause of his problems and to discover the truth about the mysterious death of his father.

Mocro Maffia

Mocro Maffia is a Dutch crime series about three friends: Romano, Potlood en De Paus. Together they progressed from petty crime to more serious crime. In no time at all they control the whole of the cocaine trade in Amsterdam. But due to jealousy the group of friends fall apart and they end up as rivals. De Paus, with his former school mate Tatta, goes up against Romano and Potlood. Out of anger De Paus tries to sabotage a deal of Romano. When this fails completely and two associates of De Paus end up dead, he gets revenge in a horrible way. This will be the start of a long-lasting gang war which causes many victims and turns Amsterdam upside down.