NBC has ordered a pilot episode of Langdon. The series is based on the book The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown.

The script is written by Dan Dworkin and Jay Beattie, who are known for The Crossing. They took over from Daniel Cerone, who worked on a first concept last year.

Robert Langdon - professor of art history at Harvard University - has returned to the United States after his adventures in Europe, where he again has to deal with secret societies. One day Peter Solomon comes to Robert Langdon's office and asks if he wants to keep a package. Langdon takes the package.

Years later, someone posing as Peter's assistant calls to invite Robert to give a lecture and bring the package. Arriving in Washington, he is amazed by a shocking event in the Capitol that has something to do with Peter. He is then chased by the CIA who wants to get the package, because it would be a threat to state security. The package has something to do with the Masonic Pyramid which is in the possession of the Masons and will lead the way to enlightenment. Robert unravels the secret and Peter's life can be saved.

Dan Dworkin and Jay Beattie are the executive producers of the pilot, together with Dan Brown and CBS TV Studios.