The first trailer for Vis a Vis: El oasis, a spin-off from Vis a Vis, has just been released.

PAY ATTENTION! This article may contain spoilers for Vis a Vis

The Spanish drama series Vis a Vis ended with its fourth season, last year. The series of the Spanish network Antena 3 revolves around Macarena (Maggie Civantos, Las Chicas del Cable), a young girl who is imprisoned in a woman's prison. After four seasons, the story isn't finished. In May 2019 Fox and Globomedia announced a spin-off. Fox has now released a trailer of Vis a Vis: El oasis. It is in Spanish, without subtitles.

Vis a Vis: El oasis will release on Fox in Spain on the 20th of April. It has not yet been revealed when Vis a Vis: El oasis will release for the international public.

Down below you can watch the trailer for Vis a Vis: El oasis: