NPO has released a trailer for the Dutch drama series Commando's, which is set to air on the network starting in August.

Commando’s revolves around former special forces John de Koning (Werner Kolf, Nieuwe Buren), who is left traumatised after a failed mission in Nigeria. He is confronted with a murderer, who is trying to eliminate his former colleagues. He fights back, but as a result of that may lose his friends, his family and himself.

The series will air on NPO3 weekly, starting from the 30th of August. The series has been recorded in South-Africa, The Netherlands and Belgium. Next to Werner Kolf, the series features Bilal Wahib (Mocro Maffia), Egbert Jan Weeber (Voetbalmaffia) and Reinout Bussemaker (De 12 van Oldenheim)

Down below, you can watch the Dutch trailer;