Grand Hotel (2016)

8.1 / 10
40 min
Crime, Drama, Mystery
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8.1 / 10
1seasons/30episodes/2016 - 2016 
The series has ended
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Runtime:40 min20162016 (Ended)
Grand Hotel (2016) is an Egyptian dramaseries which aired on onbekend. The series premiered on June 6, 2016.

In the 1950s, Ali, a young man, arrives at the Grand Hotel in the beautiful city of Aswan to investigate the disappearance of his younger sister. He gets a job as a waiter and falls in love with the daughter of the owner "Nazly". Nazly starts to help him to discover the truth about his sister's disappearance. Then the story takes a different twist to discover all the secrets and mysteries hidden in the wonderful Grand Hotel.


Season 1
0 / 30
Season 1

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Grand Hotel (2016)