.hack//Legend of The Twilight is a Japanese anime series which aired on Animax. The series premiered on January 8, 2003.
Two twins, Shu-go and Rena, win characters that model the legendary .hackers Kite and BlackRose. Shu-go is one day beaten by a high level monster. When he was revived he is given Kite's bracelet from a mysterious girl named Aura, which starts the many mysteries of .hack//DUSK.hack/DUSK is set four years after the events that happened in the PS2 games and even though CC Corp has successfully been able to cover up the events that happened, some older gamers can still remember what happened in "The World"..hack//DUSK (also known as The Legend of the Twilight)is based on .hack//SIGN, the.hack Games and the manga.