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How to Live with Your Parents - Pilot
Anonymous gives How to Live with Your Parents - Pilot a 7.

How to Live with Your Parents - Pilot

How to Live with Your Parents’ is a new series, starring Sarah Chalke as main character Polly. You might know Chalke from the series ‘Scrubs’, where she played Dr Elliot Reid. The trailer gives away that the role she plays here is pretty similar: a rather clumsy woman whose life and psyche aren’t quite on track. Polly is a single mum and with her young daughter Natalie, she moves back in with her parents, only for a short period. Though, as the title of the series gives away, it’ll definitely be a bit longer than just ‘a short while’.

Six months before the ‘now’, Polly and Natalie stranded at Polly’s parents’ house, soaking wet from the rain. Natalie, wearing two different boots, is confused and asks why they’re there. Because grandma and grandpa are the most awesome people on the planet, Polly replies. Polly’s mother and step-dad, Elaine and Max, have a big enough house, but also a couple of weird (read: comical) habits. They, too, wonder why Polly and Natalie paid them this unexpected visit. Then it all becomes clear: Polly left her husband, Julian, because of his irresponsible behaviour.

Back in the present, the two of them still live with Polly’s parents. Elaine, who can’t seem to mince her words, keeps trying to set Polly up with a new boyfriend. She, however, doesn’t want her daughter to be exposed to any possible ‘d.a.t.e.s’. She doesn’t want Natalie to have the same childhood she had: one filled with her mum’s many lovers. Polly intends to be the best working single mum in the universe.

Polly works in a juice bar called ‘Fresh Side’. She tries to avoid her tiresome boss as much as she can, until a colleague tells her that they found out that a regular customer, nicknamed ‘Jewish Superman’, wants to ask her out. She says yes, which means that her rather irresponsible parents have to babysit Natalie, and that she has to go out on a date. Oh dear, let’s hope that’ll turn out well. (Hint: no.)

What I like about the style of filming is that they smash the fourth wall. Polly glances and talks into the camera quite a lot, to give her opinion on the situation. Because Sarah Chalke’s face is so expressive, one glance or look is enough to make clear what she thinks. This makes the series very engaging, almost personal even, as if Polly’s telling her story especially to and for the viewer.

The music that’s used in the series adds an extra humorous element, because it’s almost childlike. It’s also added to the more serious situations, which gives the entire story a light undertone. In my opinion, that’s always supposed to be part of a comedy, so ‘How to Live with Your Parents’ definitely ticks that box. The noise makes the chaotic scenes more chaotic, and the music used complements the situations perfectly.

The pilot promises a light series with an uncomplicated plot, and, especially since the episodes only last twenty minutes, it’s easy to just watch it when you’ve got a little bit of time to fill. Curious for the next episodes and I’m giving the pilot a well-deserved 7.

About the writer, Anonymous

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