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Interview with the Vampire - Season 2
Nienke de Boode gives Interview with the Vampire - Season 2 a 9.

Interview with the Vampire - Season 2

Out of sight doesn’t always mean out of mind, and Season Two of Interview with the Vampire proves that in spades. This latest season continues to draw in the viewer with messed-up love stories and great storytelling.
Season one was already impressive (see my review of that season), but season two definitely surpasses it. The show had to reinvent itself after the tumultuous events of the previous season, and it does so well. Episodes five and seven are near perfect, and the finale, while slightly less perfect, has intriguing twists, turns, and some good character development. Even the “weaker” episodes, the first and fourth, are still solid 8+ performances.

Reid’s Lestat, though not always on screen, casts a long, haunting shadow over the entire season

After the violent end of season two, this season follows with more violence. Internal, as Louis struggles with what has transpired, and external, as he and Claudia travel through war-torn Europe, in search for other vampires. They end up in Paris, where they finally find what they have been searching for at the Téâtre des Vampires. This macabre vampire-led theater troupe, with its nightly ritual of killing a mortal on stage to the delight of the mesmerized human audience, is where Louis meets the enigmatic Armand.

Interview with the Vampire

In the present timeline, Armand also takes on a much more prominent role, joining the interview with Molloy, shifting the dynamic. Molloy begins to dig deeper, revealing both his vulnerable, human side as he grasps the danger of his situation, and his relentless, truth-seeking professional side. This season weaves the present and past together more tightly than last season.

The new season also introduces some fresh faces. Claudia is no longer played by Bailey Bass, but by Delainey Hayles (Holby City), due to other acting obligations of the former. Delhaney picks up Claudia’s role without missing a beat. Assad Zaman’s portrayal of Armand is mesmerizing, after being barely visible last season. From the Téâtre des Vampires, Ben Daniels (The Exorcist) stands out with head and shoulders, and shines as Santiago, a flamboyant yet ruthless actor who exudes danger with every dramatic gesture. Roxane Duran (Riviera) also delivers a standout performance in a smaller but crucial role.

What’s remarkable about this cast is how well they embody their complex characters—troubled, almost human, but undeniably otherworldly. They are violent, but vulnerable, making them both captivating and chilling to watch. I would not be surprised if some Emmy’s are going to be awarded for the work we have seen in this season.

Interview with the Vampire

Anderson is the star of the season, delivering a gut-wrenching portrayal of Louis as a man broken by his past

And while the new actors deserve praise, let’s not overlook the performances of Jacob Anderson and Sam Reid. Reid’s Lestat, though not always on screen, casts a long, haunting shadow over the entire season. His presence is felt even when he is not here, a testament to Reid’s performance. As for Anderson, he is the star of the season, delivering a gut-wrenching portrayal of Louis as a man broken by his past, showing that the scars of abuse linger long after the abuse itself has ended. His performance is a painful reminder that those who have been hurt can, in turn, inflict hurt on others.

If there’s one critique of this season, it is that I did not like the ending for some of the characters. Not because it did not make sense or because it was a bad ending, but because I had hoped for a better fate for them. The resolutions were logical, perhaps even inevitable, but they were still painful.

With the close of this season comes the end of the first book’s story. A third season has already been announced, promising to delve deeper into Lestat. After this great second season, I’m most certainly awaiting what’s next.
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About the writer, Nienke de Boode

Nienke de Boode
She started with watching NCIS, CSI and Bones, but over time her passion for TV shows has grown to what it is today, with dozens of shows that need to be watched. You can always wake her up for a good crime show, but she is also open to different things. Comedy and fantasy are on her list of favourites as well. Since October 2014, she also writes for MySeries to combine her love for TV shows and writing.
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