Kaos is a British dark fantasy dramedy series which aired on Netflix. The series premiered on August 29, 2024.
A darkly comedic and contemporary reimagining of Greek mythology, exploring themes of gender politics, power, and life in the underworld.
The story revolves around predictions (prophecies) that are taken very seriously. And the prophecy that says that Zeus and his family will lose power now seems to be coming true. And of course Zeus will do everything to prevent that.
I think if you've never heard of Greek mythology this series is a bit hard to follow here and there. There is some stuff told but some knowledge helps.
The series is partly set in the underworld, ruled by Hades. These scenes are shot in black and white, which makes it very clear where a scene is taking place at that moment, but also shows the gloom of the underworld very well, although there are also very funny scenes there.
All in all I enjoyed this series. It is easy to watch and does not bore. There is definitely an option left open for a second season, because I don't want to say that it ends with a cliffhanger, but the story is certainly not completely told. So I am curious if that will happen.