Killer Women

7,0 / 10
43 min
Drama, Western
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7,0 / 10
1seasons/8episodes/2014 - 2014 
The series has ended
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Runtime:43 min20142014 (Ended)
Killer Women is an American drama series on ABC. The series premiered January 7th 2014.

Of all the notorious lawmen who ever patrolled the violent Texas frontier, none are more storied than the Texas Rangers. But being a female ranger in this elite squad isn’t going to stop ballsy and badass Molly Parker. She is committed to finding the truth and seeing justice served. She’s even willing to break some rules to get it done. While she’s surrounded by law enforcement colleagues who want to see her fail, there are those within the Rangers who have her back including her boss, Company Commander Luis Zea. Molly also has the support of her loving family including her brother Billy and his wife Becca. On the verge of getting divorced from her smarmy husband Jake, Molly relishes her newfound freedom even as she begins an affair with a sexy, dangerously handsome DEA agent, Dan Winston.


Season 1
0 / 8
Season 1


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Killer Women