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" gives "Marvel's What If...? - Season 1" a 9.5."
Written by on 9 June 2023.
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Marvel's What If...? - Season 1

What if the Avengers had never been around? What if Steve Rogers had never become Captain America? Nothing is too crazy in this series!

In my review of the first season of Marvel's Loki, I indicated that Disney had another gem on its hands. With the first season of Marvel's What If...?, that seems to be the case again. In fact, I think this new animated series from Marvel is the best series in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) so far. And that says a lot since the level of the Marvel series is always very high.

Marvel's What If...?
© Disney+

The name of the series is a pretty clear explanation of the premise of Marvel's What If...? There are all different scenarios that could have major consequences for the MCU as we know it. The series is narrated by "The Watcher," voiced by Jeffrey Wright (Westworld), a being who watches behind the scenes of the events unfolding across the myriad universes. Incidentally, an important law applies to him: he may never interfere in these events.

The idea of ​​Marvel's What If...? allows for many interesting storylines and also infinite potential scenarios. Every deviant act can lead to a completely different future. That way there are many different universes where core events from the MCU have played out differently or not at all. It looks like the MCU is fully embracing the "multiverse" and it's going to be one of the core elements of the MCU. To fully appreciate this series, it is essential that you have seen the films and series of the MCU. With that knowledge, the series becomes a lot stronger.

What If…? is in my opinion the strongest Marvel series to date.

The first season consists of nine episodes, each lasting about half an hour. Initially, each episode has a separate story that outlines an alternate reality. In the course of the first season, the storylines become more and more intertwined. As a result, the series is becoming stronger and stronger in my opinion and it is very cleverly put together. Due to the fact of the multiverse, an incredible amount of creative freedom is also possible, especially because it is an animated series. Scenarios that won't be covered in the movies anytime soon can be explored in Marvel's What If...? namely to be highlighted.

This makes for many funny storylines, but also often shows the serious side of certain characters. For example, there is a variation of Thor being raised an only child who just wants to party and be a regular in Las Vegas. In addition, there is a variation of Doctor Strange who is obsessed with wanting to change the past and loses himself in it. Also, there is a universe in which Ultron has won. In short, an incredible number of scenarios are possible.

Marvel's What If...?
© Disney+

This also makes it possible to bring back characters that are no longer part of the current MCU. For example, Steve Rogers and Tony Stark regularly pass by, but also other well-known MCU characters that you would not expect quickly. What's impressive here is that most of the characters are voiced by the actors/actresses who also played them in the MCU movies and series. In addition, one character in Marvel's What If...? extra special, namely T'Challa. In this series, he is still voiced by Chadwick Boseman (Persons Unknown), who unfortunately passed away some time ago. In my opinion, T'Challa has achieved a beautiful swan song with this.

Marvel's What If...? is in my opinion the strongest Marvel series to date. Good (connected) storylines, beautiful animation style, strong voice cast and it is full of surprises. A series that you fly through and wonder what other scenarios are possible. There is good news for those who feel the same way. There will be a second season. It can't come soon enough for me!

In view of the above, I am rating the first season of Marvel's What If...? with a well-deserved 9.5!
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Marvel's What If...?