8.4 / 10
44 min
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Season 17, Episode 17

In a Nutshell

As the NCIS team investigates the death of a Navy officer murdered the same way as his parents a decade ago, they stumble across a storage container filled with dollhouses that display recreations of murder scenes. The team agrees to clean out their living spaces, but some have a harder time saying goodbye to their possessions than others.
Quest roles:
Logan Pepper(Dylan), Gary Hudson(Detective John Fioscher), Paul Johansson(Porter Brandt), Abby Carter(Claire O'Donnell), Damien Leake(Henry Bennett), Allene Quincy(Goth Wannabe), Susan Louise O'Connor(Woman in Cat Sweater), Danny Max(News Reporter)
Release date:
10 March 2020, 20:00
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