8.4 / 10
44 min
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Season 3, Episode 2

Kill Ari (2)

Still stressed over Kate's death, Gibbs is even more hurt when Ari kidnaps Ducky and decides to play with his mind. Gibbs sends Tony to follow Ziva, and after Jenny and Gibbs are almost shot to death, he is even more determined to finish once and for all with Ari, and Ziva's strange connection to Ari will be just the help that he needs.
Quest roles:
Sasha Alexander(Caitlin Todd), Joe Spano(Tobias TC Fornell), Pancho Demmings(Gerald Jackson), Rudolf Martin(Ari Haswari), Lauren Holly(Jenny Shepard), Michael Steger(Mohamed Esfiri), Gloria Votsis(Dana)
Release date:
27 September 2005, 20:00
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