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You can now vote on your favourite show in the Series of the Year Awards 2018!!

You can now vote on your favourite show in the Series of the Year Awards 2018!!

Today is the day! The Series of the Year Awards 2018 have started. Starting today, you can vote till the 4th of February on your favourite shows in fourteen different categories.
So how does it work?
First off, you have to click the big green button below. Or the button at the top on your dashboard. Or you can press the button on your Myseries app. Once you've done that, you'll end up in the voting area. In each of the fourteen categories you'll be able to cast your vote. How we've compiled the list of options is something you can read in the columns that were released over the past two weeks. In each of the voting modules you'll find a button, which will send you to one of the columns once you press it.

Is your favourite show not part of the options, then you can still select it by using your wildcard. You can only vote for shows that had at least one episode released in 2018 and they must be of the correct genre. You don't have to vote in each category and if you were to change your mind, you can change your vote till the 4th of February. Once you're done, you'll end up in a page that shows all of your votes. You can share this page with your friends to show them which shows you think were the best of 2018.

And then?
Then all you have to do is wait. Results will be made available on the 11th of February. We'll also release who won some prizes as by voting you can also win a prize.

• 3 x DVD packages valued at €100,-
• 10 x Premium fan accounts valued at €24,95

Good luck voting! May the best series win!

Vote on the best series of 2018
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Comments (15)

7 January 2019, 11:04
0Translated from Dutch.
7 January 2019, 13:24
0Translated from Dutch.
7 January 2019, 14:41
0Translated from Dutch.
7 January 2019, 17:26
0Translated from Dutch.
7 January 2019, 22:29
0Translated from Dutch.
8 January 2019, 11:28
1Translated from Dutch.
8 January 2019, 21:49
0Translated from Dutch.
7 January 2019, 17:30
1Translated from Dutch.
7 January 2019, 22:26
1Translated from Dutch.
8 January 2019, 11:28
1Translated from Dutch.
7 January 2019, 18:11
5Translated from Dutch.
7 January 2019, 18:13
0Translated from Dutch.
7 January 2019, 22:24
0Translated from Dutch.
8 January 2019, 14:11
0Translated from Dutch.
8 January 2019, 14:22
1Translated from Dutch.
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