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fanart Our Girl

Our Girl

8/ 10
60 min
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22 December 2014, 10:25
Exciting and dramatic. Also fun and original to see life in the army in a war zone from the point of view of an ordinary and often scared girl. Also gives a good idea of what a 'medic' does I think. Which makes me wonder if it's really that safe as a single woman among only men in the military. Judging by reports from American media, sexual harassment and the risk of rape are high in this situation. But maybe it's different in the English army. Anyway, nice series!
6 October 2016, 22:18
What an unbelievably beautiful series! Although I am talking about season 1. I think the rest is much worse!
8 October 2016, 05:18
For me, this series really does not have to be extended. After seeing the pilot / TV movie, which was actually quite good, it went downhill from the first episode onwards. The big problem is that they want to portray "Our Girl" Molly Dawes as a heroine instead of telling a somewhat believable story. Unfortunately, it only gets worse with each new episode so that you will soon start biting your teeth with annoyance unless you are a very gullible person. At the end of the fourth episode I pulled the plug because I really couldn't have any more nonsense. As usual, I have my reasons for that too. in next spoiler ...
8 October 2016, 06:22
For the series to appear somewhat credible, the first episode of Molly Dawes' adventures in Afghanistan should have ended with one of the following options: a) Molly in a body bag b) Molly for court-martial c) Molly on the plane back back home The first time with her battalion outside the base, everything goes completely wrong after a 50 meter walk. The troops are being shot at; Actually, they only shoot at Molly because, even before the gate closes behind them, someone has already noticed that a nurse is stepping among the troops, and that is of course not possible in Afghanistan. How exactly it was recognized after two steps is another matter. It is not the case that she carries a large sign with "Female medic" on it or that she is wearing a different uniform or walking in high heels. Then the child stiffens when ordered to run back to base while fellow "Smurf" simply remains in the line of fire without any cover and empties his weapon in the direction of the attackers. When "Smurf" later leaves his post to go out alone, he ends up in a minefield and is shot. No problem, luckily Molly is nearby who not only ignores every order, but with already a full day of war experience behind her, she will save her buddy for a while ... Where the average mine has the nasty habit of doing a lot of damage fortunately, if you stand on it, our heroine fares much better. When she detonates a mine with her foot, the worst seems to happen ... Anyone here, however, would expect her career as a swimsuit model to be over now, but it will be disappointed. Not only does Molly still have all her limbs after the explosion, even her army bottles are still clean .. Apart from four scratches in the face, there is no damage whatsoever. In Afghanistan they probably use female-friendly mines ... The enemy, who must be there somewhere since someone has shot "Smurf", is now only looking on in surprise because, except for the one shot, all enemy weapons are silent. A pity, because two soldiers chatting in the middle of a minefield would otherwise make a nice target ... And once again our heroine ignores all orders, relieves her colleague from his dangerous position and has no problem taking herself as a target. when she lets herself be lifted aboard the rescue helicopter. And she is not only loved by her colleagues, she is just "one of the boys". Because where she was initially given a separate accommodation with a view to some privacy, as soon as she returns from leave, she simply has a cot between the other boys. Because that's how it goes in the army once you are popular ... It goes without saying that Molly soon becomes indispensable in Afghanistan and not only is she with every further mission of the party, everything that happens is just about her. So Molly doesn't have to greet senior officers, because that's how it works if you're a heroine. Just like real heroines don't follow orders, and get away with it. A child on the street wearing a bomb belt? Perfect for Molly! A briefing for a difficult mission? Not without Molly! Picked up someone who doesn't want to talk? A case for Molly! An angry father out for revenge? It is best to send Molly to you! Everyone knows where he is, where he will pass and how he will do it, but Molly is the only one who can recognize him and prevent further harm. Any other soldier who would find a veiled man in a truck would probably not realize that something was wrong, but you wouldn't be fooling Molly. When she catches the man, who finally has an egg to peel with her, he just shoots the two men fighting over Molly's hand; He doesn't have time for Molly herself right now. Not even when in the middle of the bridge where everything happens, she gives her two "lovers" the first care. It is only when Molly looks his way five minutes later that the man remembers that she still has an open account with him and he thinks it is time to settle it. Since the entire battalion has only been watching, Molly solves this problem herself and with one well-aimed shot she puts an end to the life of her attacker. Mission accomplished !
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Our Girl