The Center Seat: 55 Years of Star Trek

7.7 / 10
42 min
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Season 1, Episode 4

Trek Goes to the Movies

The 1980s saw Paramount release three linked Star Trek movies to huge box-office success. The first, The Wrath of Khan, saw Ricardo Montalban as Khan, a villain from the original series, return. It was followed by The Search for Spock, directed by Leonard Nimoy. He returned to the director's chair for The Voyage Home, the biggest Star Trek success yet.
Quest roles:
Leonard Nimoy(Self (archive footage)), Wil Wheaton(Self), David Gerrold(Self), Larry Nemecek(Self), Nichelle Nichols(Self), Ronald D. Moore(Self), Mark A. Altman(Self), Harold Livingston(Self), Nicholas Meyer(Self), Robert Sallin(Self), Robert Beltran(Self), Harve Bennett(Self (archive footage)), Ike Eisenmann(Self), Robin Curtis(Self), Catherine Hicks(Self), Marc Cushman(Self), Ken Ralston(Self), Maria Jose Tenuto(Self), John Tenuto(Self), Jay Riddle(Self)
Release date:
22 November 2021, 22:00
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The Center Seat: 55 Years of Star Trek