The story follows Elena Santos (Molino), a bright young woman who is hired as a nanny for a wealthy widower and his infant son. When Elena moves into The Greybourne, a landmark Manhattan apartment complex, she quickly learns about the complex politics between the wealthy residents and a history filled with mystery and tragedy. Fortunately, Elena is well equipped to handle anything that comes her way in her own way. Elena works for Matthew (Christie), a self-made and handsome architect dealing with grief and confusion over the death of his wife and its impact on his intelligent and reclusive son Jasper (Samiri). Tory (Acker) is Matthew's sister-in-law who takes an instant dislike for the fresh-faced and enthusiastic young babysitter.
The first season of The Watchful Eye, which aired on Monday evenings at the beginning of this year, scored an average of 0.04 in the 18-49 demographic and 117,000 viewers. The series started with a viewing figure of 180,000, but by the end of the season, several episodes were drawing less than 80,000 viewers.
The cable channel also canceled Single Drunk Female after two seasons.