The Bold and the Beautiful

7.9 / 10
30 min
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Season 27, Episode 310

Ep. #6785

Katie is pleasantly surprised when Ridge comes home and tells her about setting Brooke straight. They come to a realization about their future together. Brooke invites Bill over and shares the news about Katie and Ridge. She is surprised by his reaction. Later, Bill comforts Brooke about losing Ridge and tells her that she is the only woman that he wants. Aly is upset after Eric tells her that Wyatt and Quinn are here to stay and demands that she stop her bad behavior toward them. Once home, an emotionally exhausted Aly believes she sees her mother Darla. Darla and Aly have a long conversation in which Darla gives her daughter advice about the Forresters.
Quest roles:
No known guest appearances
Release date:
18 March 2014, 13:30
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The Bold and the Beautiful