Vagrant Queen

6,0 / 10
45 min
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6,0 / 10
1seasons/10episodes/2020 - present
Date unknown.Next episode
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Runtime:45 min2020 - present
Vagrant Queen is an American science fictionseries which aired on Syfy. The series premiered on March 27, 2020.

This follows Elida from child queen to orphaned outcast, as she scavenges the treacherous corners of the galaxy, always one step ahead of the Republic government out to extinguish her bloodline. When her old friend Isaac shows up claiming her mother Xevelyn is still alive, they head off with their new ally, Amae, to stage a rescue that will take her back into the perilous heart of her former kingdom and up against a deadly foe from her childhood, Commander Lazaro.


Season 1
0 / 10
Season 1

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Vagrant Queen