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You - First episode
Mdevreugd gives You - First episode a 7.5.

You - First episode

Privacy. Almost everyone says it's important, but still everyone just gives it away. Everything we think, know, do, wear and eat is shared online. Anyone can see who is important in your life, who you spend your time with and maybe even what you do every day. Have you ever thought about that? Just imagine you meet someone you fancy and that person is able to find or will find all your personal data. What if that person has evil intentions?

If you think Dan Humphrey from Gossip Girl was creepy, you haven't met Joe Goldberg yet.

The new thriller series You from the American TV channel Lifetime attempts to tell this story.
Joe Goldberg (Penn Badgley, Gossip Girl) is a good-looking, nice and sweet guy who works in a bookshop, likes rare first editions and is good friends with the boy next door, whose mom has an abusive boyfriend. He always smiles and at first sight he seems extremely charming. But, behind that charming smile hides a violent sociopath and first-rate stalker.

In this pilot Joe meets the beautiful blonde, Guinevere Beck (Elizabeth Lail). While paying for her books, she gives Joe her full name. As soon as Joe comes home, he goes online to investigate. In no time at all, he finds everything there is to know: her address, her friends, her boyfriend, you name it. If you ever have the feeling of being watched, do close the curtains, because maybe Joe is looking through your window. Anyway, he doesn't mind following every move you make, and when I say every move, I mean every move.

And that is just the tip of the iceberg. Joe takes cyberstalking to new and terrifying heights. The first episode is entirely from Joe's point of view and in his mind everything he does is completely justified. And what is maybe worse: he thinks he is helping these girls, because without him they are in danger. That is why he has to look out for them. Makes sense, right?

I had no expectations of this show, but I was immediately sold!

If you think Dan Humphrey from Gossip Girl was creepy, you haven't met Joe Goldberg yet. And if you think you hadn't missed Penn Badgley yet, you haven't seen You yet. I had no expectations of this show, but I was immediately sold! It is quite scary when you think about what can be done with all of the information you yourself dump online. I think Lifetime did an excellent job of starting a discussion about this current topic.
If You will become an obsession for you, just like Guinevere is already for Joe, I don't know. But I sure can't wait to find out what will happen next, just based on this first episode!

About the writer, Mdevreugd

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Comments (2)

20 September 2018, 21:25
0Translated from Dutch.
2 January 2019, 12:12
1Translated from Dutch.
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